Figure 7.
Surgical denervation prevents cold-induced BA recruitment in iBAT. A) TH protein levels in iBAT, ingWAT, and gonadal WAT (gWAT) in mice housed at room temperature (RT). Effect of 7 day cold exposure on TH and UCP1 levels in iBAT. B) Surgical denervation of iBAT abolished TH and UCP1 induction during cold stress. RT, room temperature. C) Quantification of protein levels from (B). D) Immunofluorescence staining of paraffin sections of iBAT of mice kept at 4°C for 7 d, stained for BrdU and UCP1 or PLIN1. Arrows indicate double-positive cells. E) Quantification of BrdU+ cells in paraffin sections. Scale bar, 20 µm.