Figure 1. p53 and PTEN knockdown in mammary epithelial cells activates inflammatory Stat3/NF-κB pathway expanding stem cell population.
(a) Western blot analyses of MCF10A, p53 (p53−), PTEN (PTEN−) or combined p53 and PTEN knockdown cells (p53−PTEN−) show expressions of p53, PTEN and EMT markers, Vimentin, E-cadherin as well as the activations of Stat3/NF-κB and Akt/Wnt/b-catenin pathways. (b) Sphere forming assay in control HNMEC and MCF10A cells compared to p53−, PTEN− or p53−PTEN− cells; scale bar, 100μm. (c) Number of spheres formed per 10,000 cells plated. (d) Flow cytometry analysis of p53− and PTEN− cells with CD44/CD24 and EpCAM/CD49f markers. (e, f) Quantification of CD44+CD24− cells and EpCAM/CD49f subpopulations were analyzed by flow cytometry. Means ± SD (n=3),*p≤0.05, ** p≤0.005.