Figure 5. IL6 transiently increase stem cell population but does not transform MCF10A cells and ectopic SOCS3 expression prevents IL6 feedback loop in MCF10Ap53−PTEN− cells.
(a) Percentage of CD44+CD24− cells assessed by flow cytometry following 3 day treatment of MCF10A, MCF10Ap53−, MCF10APTEN− or MCF10Ap53−PTEN− cells with recombinant IL6 (50ng/ml) or TGF-β (5 ng/ml) for 2h. (b) Transiently increased CD44+CD24− subpopulation in MCF10A cells is shown by flow cytometry following 3 days treatment with recombinant IL6 (50 ng/ml), then IL6 was removed from the culture and cells were analyzed at day 7 and 14. (c, d) IL6 and TGF-β production analyzed by ELISA 7 days after recombinant IL6 (50ng/ml) or TGF-β (5 ng/ml) treatment in MCF10A, p53−, PTEN− and p53−PTEN− cells. (e) SOCS3 expression is analyzed by western blot in MCF10A cells. Cells are treated with recombinant IL6 (50ng/ml) or TGF-β (5 ng/ml) for the indicated time points. (f, g) IL6 production was analyzed by ELISA after stimulation of MCF10A, and MCF10A , p53−, PTEN− and p53−PTEN− cells with recombinant IL6 or TGF-β for the indicated time points. Means ± SD (n=3),*p≤0.05, ** p≤0.005.