FIG 4.
Dependence of eps expression on comA and rapP mutations. (A and B) The distribution of expression levels of YFP driven by the eps promoter as a function of time in strain AES1819 (PY79 Peps-3×YFP) (A) and strain AES1820 (PrapP-rapP-phrP Peps-3×YFP) (B). Note the difference between strains in the fraction of high-YFP-expressing cells (ON population) and how expression changes over time. (C) Shown are the fractions of the ON cells for strains that express the Peps-3×YFP reporter in the following genetic backgrounds: AES1819 (PY79 wild-type), AES1820 (PrapP-rapP-phrP), AES1827 (ΔcomA), and AES1828 (ΔcomA Phs-rapP). Inducible constructs were induced with 10 μM IPTG.