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. 2015 Jan;238(1):70–76. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2014.11.011

Table 2.

Sex and age-adjusteda percentage differences (95% CI) in novel coronary heart disease (CHD) risk markers for lower socioeconomic position relative to the highest position (reference group).b

Inflammatory and endothelial markers
Pancreatic and adiposity markers
C-reactive protein
Tissue plasminogen activator
(N = 2063) (N = 2049) (N = 2049) (N = 1795) (N = 1795) (N = 2053) (N = 2051)
I and II
IIInm 3.2 7.9 7.1 4.0 3.4 12.4 −9.5
(−8.5 to 14.8) (−1.4 to 17.3) (1.2–13.0) (−4.6 to 12.5) (−6.2 to 13.0) (1.9–22.9) (−18.1 to −0.9)
IIIm 22.6 20.5 7.1 6.8 19.9 22.6 −11.8
(12.0–33.2) (12.0–29.0) (1.8–12.5) (−1.0 to 14.6) (11.1–28.7) (13.1–32.2) (−19.7 to −3.9)
IV and V 25.1 17.6 8.0 4.9 19.1 21.9 −10.9
(14.2–36.1) (8.8–26.4) (2.4–13.5) (−3.3 to 13.0) (9.9–28.3) (12.0–31.8) (−19.0 to −2.7)
Trend p <0.001 <0.001 0.002 0.171 <0.001 <0.001 0.013
Early adulthood
I and II
IIInm 13.8 8.9 −1.7 −2.0 4.1 16.2 −2.6
(3.8–23.8) (0.8–16.9) (−6.7 to 3.4) (−9.3 to 5.4) (−4.2 to 12.4) (7.2–25.2) (−10.0 to 4.9)
IIIm 16.2 7.7 1.7 5.7 17.8 12.3 −9.8
(5.1–27.3) (−1.3 to 16.7) (−4.0 to 7.3) (−2.6 to 14.0) (8.5–27.2) (2.2–22.4) (−18.1 to −1.6)
IV and V 36.2 22.3 5.4 2.5 16.8 13.5 −3.1
(23.8–48.7) (12.3–32.3) (−1.0 to 11.7) (−6.8 to 11.8) (6.2–27.3) (2.3–24.8) (−12.3 to 6.2)
Trend p <0.001 <0.001 0.104 0.271 <0.001 0.007 0.155
Middle age
I and II
IIInm 16.0 14.1 −0.9 1.8 4.9 15.6 0.7
(5.7–26.2) (5.9–22.3) (−6.1 to 4.3) (−5.7 to 9.4) (−3.7 to 13.4) (5.4–26.8) (−6.9 to 8.3)
IIIm 11.0 6.3 1.4 2.1 6.5 9 −0.4
(−0.5 to 22.5) (−2.9 to 15.6) (−4.4 to 7.3) (−6.6 to 10.7) (−3.3 to 16.3) (−1.8 to 20.9) (−8.9 to 8.2)
IV and V 26.6 15.2 1.2 −7.6 7.6 12.7 −3.0
(14.4–38.8) (5.4–25.1) (−5.1 to 7.4) (−16.9 to 1.6) (−2.9 to 18.1) (0.9–25.9) (−12.2 to 6.1)
Trend p <0.001 0.002 0.579 0.355 0.035 0.090 0.386

Age at blood draw (60–64 years).


Socioeconomic position: I and II = professional and intermediate; IIInm = skilled non-manual; IIIm = skilled manual; IV and V = partly skilled or unskilled.