(a) Offline benefit (change in memory recall for 4 hr versus 15 min old memories) across the day (wake, grey bar) or following a 90 min nap (sleep, filled bar); (b) Correlation between the amount of offline emotional memory improvement in the nap group (i.e. the offline benefit expressed in filled bar of figure a), and the amount of REM sleep obtained within the nap; (c) Correlation (Pearson’s r-value) between offline benefit for emotional memory in the sleep group (expressed in filled bar of figure a) and the relative right versus left prefrontal spectral-band power ([electrode F4 – electrode F3]) within the delta, alpha, theta and beta spectral bands, expressed in average 0.5 Hz bin increments. Correlation strength is represented by the color range, demonstrating significant correlations within the theta frequency band (hot colors), and (d) exhibiting a maximum significance at the 5.75 Hz bin. *p < 0.05; error bars indicate s.e.m. Modified from (Nishida et al 2009).