The Gurdon group at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, circa 1980. Top row: Doug Melton (graduate student), Marvin Wickens (postdoc), William Earnshaw (Laskey’s postdoc), Eddy De Robertis, Ruth Longthorne (Eddy’s technician), Richard Harland (Laskey’s graduate student), Kazuko Nishikura (Eddy’s first postdoc), Laurence Korn (postdoc), Stewart Weisbrod (postdoc), John Gurdon (at age 46) and Julian Wells (sabbatical visitor from Australia). Lower row: Sue Whytock (John’s technician), two young ladies, Barbara Rodbard (John’s excellent secretary) and Jeff Partington (postdoc). Long-time colleague Ron Laskey is missing from this photo. Note that John was the most handsome gentleman, and kept only a small group working directly with him.