Figure 1.
Integrated model of the intracellular signaling and electrophysiology. (A) An overview of the integrated model topology, showing AngII activation eliciting multiple signaling pathways and subsequently modulating membrane electrophysiology. (B) Circuit diagram of the electrophysiology model. (C) Schematic depicting the phosphorylation reactions underlying the AngII-mediated reduction of KDR conductance. (D) Plot showing the fractional reduction of unphosphorylated KDR channels as a function of phosphorylation/dephosphorylation reaction rate ratios (kp/kdp for both PKC and CaMKII). Data correspond to simulations in which KUss indicates the fraction of unphosphorylated KDR channels after 100 nM AngII at steady state and KUi refers to the fraction of unphosphorylated KDR channels before the application of AngII. The relative phosphorylation and dephosphorylation rates were set to yield ∼30% reduction in unphosphorylated channels to fit the experimental data in (E) (see Table S4 for reaction details). (E) Model fit to dynamic KDR current data after the application of 100 nM AngII to cultured brainstem neurons (37). (F) I-V relations for KDR from experiments (37) and simulations under baseline conditions and after 100 nM AngII application to cultured brainstem neurons.