(A) Locomotor behavior after neuronal silencing of OA/TA neurons via expression of UAS-shits, UAS-TNTE, UAS-Kir2.1, or UAS-ΔORK. Expression of UAS-shits reduced performance of experimental larvae compared to controls specifically at restrictive temperature. In contrast, no obvious effect appeared due to TNTE expression. After electrical silencing of OA/TA neurons with Kir2.1 or ΔOrk channels, experimental larvae crawled significantly less compared to controls. (B) lGMR-Gal4/UAS-shits larvae performed indistinguishably from chance level in rapid light avoidance at restrictive temperature. In contrast, performance of control larvae was significantly over chance level. Expression of TNTE in photoreceptor neurons had no effect on light avoidance. Expression of rectifier channels Kir2.1 and ΔOrk significantly reduced performances in experimental larvae compared to controls. Open box, experimental larvae; box with light shading, Gal4/+ larvae; box with dark shading, UAS/+ larvae. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; n.s., P > 0.05. #, not significantly different from chance level.