The effect of acetyl∼P availability on the expression of essential components for σN-dependent regulation of GDAR and the LEE. (A) Expression levels of genes in order from bottom to top: gadE, ler, flhD, and fliZ plotted for wild-type and derivative strains grown in MOPS with glucose (black), glycerol (white), or glycerol and acetate (gray). (B) gadE and ler expression levels plotted for wild-type (black), ΔntrC (white), ΔrpoN (stippled), ΔackA (gray), and ackA complement strain ΔackApRAM-8 (hatched). Plots that differ in lowercase letter for each strain (A) or gene (B) differ significantly by Tukey's HSD following a significant F-test (n ≥ 3, P < 0.05). Error bars denote standard deviation. GDAR, glutamate-dependent acid resistance; LEE, locus of enterocyte effacement.