Fig. 4.
Increased rate of α- and β-cell proliferation in islets of Gcgr−/− mice during the perinatal period. Pregnant mice, pups, or adult mice were injected with BrdU, and the number of cells expressing the thymidine analog and a hormone was determined as indicated in Materials and Methods. The labeling index was determined as the number of GLU+ and IN+ cells containing the BrdU per total number of GLU+ or IN+ cells scored. Over 500 cells were scored per antibody/age/genotype (n = 3). Note the increased rate of α-cell proliferation in fetuses and young pups. In contrast, the rate of IN+ cell proliferation increased only after birth. In adults, the rate of IN+ and GLU+ cell replication in both strains was very low (data not shown). *, Less than 0.05; **, less than 0.01.