Figure 1.
Serum concentration of progesterone, estrogen, FSH and LH in different reproductive stages of Tan and Small Tail Han ewes. Four hormones were measured in ng/mL, pg/mL, ng/mL and ng/mL, respectively. P: progesterone; E: estrogen. TSA: anestrous Tan ewes in spring; TAL: Tan ewes in luteal phase in autumn; TAP: proestrous Tan ewes in autumn; TAE: estrous Tan ewes in autumn; HSL: Small Tail Han ewes in luteal phase in spring; HSP: proestrous Small Tail Han ewes in spring; HSE: estrous Small Tail Han ewes in spring. Each Column represented mean value of each stage, and the par represented standard deviation. The different letters meant the significant difference among stages (P < 0.01). The triangles stood for the hormone concentration of samples used to perform RNA-seq.