Comparison of AR GGN repeats among bonobo, chimpanzee and human. Bo bonobo, Ch chimpanzee, Hu human. The number following GGN represents the repeat number of GGN trinucleotide. In the nucleotide sequence a: the preceding sequence that is common in bonobos, chimpanzees and humans, b, c, d and e: the GGN repeat region, b: (GGT)2, c: (GGG)2 in the Pan genus and GGTGGG in human, d: (GGT)2, e: (GGC)n, f: the following sequence that is common in the three species. GenBank accession numbers: human GGN23 NM_000044, chimpanzee GGN17 NM_001009012, bonobo GGN18 AB970515, GGN19 AB970516.