Fig. 3.
Consequences of the rs2295826 (Panel A) and rs2295827 (Panel B) nucleotide substitutions on functional potential of corresponding genomic regions of the PSMC6 gene. Sequence features and other marks are given as described in Fig. 2. CREB/E4BP4.01–E4BP4, bZIP domain, transcription repressor; MYT1/MYT1.02–MyT1 zinc finger TF involved in primary neurogenesis; PARF/TEF.01–thyrotrophic embryonic factor; CART/CART1.01–Cart-1 cartilage homeoprotein 1; BRN5/BRN5.04–POU class 6 homeobox 1 (POU6F1); LHXF/ISL2.01–ISL LIM homeobox 2; HOXF/NANOG.01–Homeobox TF Nanog. “Pot. Branch Point” means potential branch point.