Figure 4. The structure of the native MA lattice.
(a) A side view of two MA lattice structures (yellow line) near the membrane of a multi-core structure. The lattice is found near a low curvature region of the membrane and is disrupted by a region where the curvature is higher (arrow). (b) A grazing slice through the membrane of a multi-core structure, depicting an extended MA lattice. Scale bar, 50 nm. (c) Bottom (from the inner side of the membrane) and side views of the map resulting from sub-tomogram averaging of the MA lattice (with the membrane density removed from the bottom view map) showing a web-like hexagonal structure with large central voids (~6 nm). (d) Model for arrangement of MA trimers that could encompass the central void as measured from c. (e) Previously proposed model for MA trimer arrangement9 that allows for smaller voids.