Figure 5.
Time-resolved fluorescence decay of Bimane. (a) Decay curve in the trimolecular complex L(dAp)ER(Bim) at 45 mM [Mg2+]. The decay curve was fit with three lifetime components; (b–d) [Mg2+] dependence of the single fluorescence lifetime components and of the amplitude averaged fluorescence lifetime (black squares, , red circles,
, blue triangles,
and black circles,
); (e) fractional amplitudes α; and (f) fractional intensities (
) of the three decay components; Conditions: 4.2 μM L(dAp), 4.1 μM E, 4.0 μM R(Bim), pH 7.5; 15°C; λexc = 405 nm, λem = 480 nm.