Expression and functional impact of the BK channel on UBSM contractility at different times of day. (A) Representative Western blot showing BK channel and DM1α protein expression at ZT8 and ZT20 (top). Average BK expression normalized to DM1α (bottom). ZT8 expression is significantly lower than ZT20 (p = 0.03, t-test, n = 4 mice per timepoint). (B) Representative phasic contractile activity at ZT11 and ZT17, at baseline and after Paxilline (PAX) application. (C,D) Fold-increase in phasic amplitude (C) and frequency (D) after PAX or DMSO (control) application. The effect of PAX and time were significant for phasic amplitude (factorial ANOVA, p = 10-4 and 0.01, respectively), but only the effect of PAX was significant on phasic frequency (p = 10-8). n = 3–6 mice (6–12 UBSM strips) per timepoint and condition. DMSO had no effect on either parameter. (E) Representative EFS-evoked contractile activity at ZT11 and ZT23, at baseline and after PAX application. (F) Increase in EFS-evoked amplitude after PAX or DMSO (control) as a proportion of baseline. The effect of PAX was significant (factorial ANOVA, p = 10-5), but the effect of time was not (p = 0.99). n = 5–6 mice (10–12 UBSM strips) per timepoint and condition. All data are mean ± SE.