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. 2015 Jan 1;21:1–8. doi: 10.12659/MSM.891183

Table 5.

Adverse events.

Adverse events Propofol group (n=360) Etomidate group (n=355) P-value
Yes 224 (62.22%) 166 (46.76%) <0.001
Upper airway obstruction 2 (0.56%) 1 (0.28%) 1
Hyoxemia 77 (21.39%) 45 (12.68%) 0.002
Apnoea 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) NA
Changes of heart rate and rhythm 31 (8.61%) 31 (8.73%) 1
Hypotension 7 (1.94%) 10 (2.82%) 0.473
Injection pain 81 (22.50%) 3 (0.85%) <0.001
Body quiver 155 (43.06%) 68 (69.15%) <0.001
Myoclonus 3 (0.83%) 16 (4.51%) 0.002
Nausea-vomiting 1 (0.28%) 0 (0.00%) NA
Deliration/multilingual/hallucination 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) NA
NA – not applicable due to low event rate.
  • Upper airway obstruction: point 0, no obstruction; point 1, mild snoring but normal aspiration; point 2, serious snoring or presence of depression sign on aspiration but with near normal ventilation; point 3, dependence on oropharyngeal airway or elevation of mandible.
  • Hypoxaemia: point 1, SpO2 96–100%; point 2, 91–95%; point 3, 86–90%; point 4, <85% requiring assisted ventilation.
  • Apnoea: point 0, apnoea ≤20 seconds; point 1, apnoea >20 seconds.
  • Changes in heart rate and rhythm: point 0, heart rate ≥50 bpm or ≤120 bpm or absence of arrhythmia; point 1, heart rate <50 bpm or >120 bpm or presence of arrhythmia.
  • Hypotension: point 0, systolic blood pressure ≥ 70% of the baseline or 80/50 mmHg; point 1, systolic blood pressure <70% of the baseline or 80/50 mmHg.
  • Injection site pain: point 0, no response to the inquiry; point 1, mild response to the inquiry but without limb movement; point 2, moderate response to the inquiry but with obvious limb movement and spontaneous complaint of pain; point 3, severe response to the inquiry with attempt to withdraw the injected hand or presence of lacrimation. Injection site pain was continuously monitored until the patient became unconscious.
  • Body movement: point 0, no body movement; point 1, digital movement not adversely affecting the examination; point 2, obvious limb or trunk movement adversely affecting the examination.
  • Fasciculation: point 1, no visible muscle contraction; point 2, minimal extremity contraction; point 3, mild facial, trunk or limb muscle contraction; point 4, aggressive facial, trunk or limb muscle contraction even with limb twitch.
  • Nausea and vomiting: point 1, no nausea or vomiting; point 2, mild nausea and upper abdominal discomfort without vomiting; point 3, obvious nausea and vomiting but without vomitus; point 4, serious vomiting of gastric fluid and other gastric content requiring medical intervention.
  • Delirium/logorrhoea/delusion: point 0, absence of delirium/logorrhoea/delusion; point 1, presence of delirium/logorrhoea/delusion.