Fig. 5.
Effects of differential loading of the hydrogels on mesenchymal cell differentiation. Hydrogels were constructed, loaded with rhBMP-2 at several loading doses (1, 2, or 4 μg/well) or with rmOA at several loading doses (1, 10, 50, or 100 ng/well), and crosslinked with 20 mM glutaraldehyde. A: Effects of differential loading of hydrogels with OA on ALP staining of C3H10T1/2 cells at 21 days. Concentrations represent loading concentrations of rmOA in gelatin solution. 20× magnification. B: Von Kossa staining of C3H10T1/2 cells grown on hydrogels differentially loaded with rmOA, and crosslinked with 20 mM glutaraldehyde. Concentrations represent loading concentrations of rmOA in gelatin solution. 20× magnification.