Fig. 1.
PomGnT1 was overexpressed in GBM and negatively correlated with patient survival. (A) DNA copy number alterations of PomGnT1 by TCGA data analysis. (B) A heatmap of PomGnT1 mRNA expression profile in TCGA dataset. (C) Kaplan–Meier survival analysis of patients with GBM (n = 446) binned into high (greater or equal to median) and low (less than median) expression of PomGnT1. (D) Representative images of IHC staining of human GBM tissues with low or high expression of PomGnT1 protein. Arrowheads, localization of PomGnT1 in the cytoplasm. Scale bar, 20 µm. H&E, hematoxylin & eosin. (E) Immunoblot analysis of PomGnT1 expression in GBM and controlled brain tissues (n = 3 for each). C: nonneoplastic control brain tissues. T: GBM tumor tissues. The histogram indicates the average levels of the PomGnT1 protein determined from 3 randomly selected GBM tissues expressed as the fold change relative to those in the control brain tissues after normalization to β-actin. **P < .01. (F) Correlation analysis of PomGnT1 protein expression with patient OS (n = 82). The low- and high-score groups represent the patients whose staining extent in GBM tissues assessed by IHC was <50% and ≥50%, respectively, as described in Materials and Methods.