Role of HNF4α in regulating the expression of Sds. a Western blot analysis for HNF4α and PPARα in nuclear protein and SDS in total protein from HepG2 cells. Representative data are shown from one experiment per lane. b EMSA analysis of HepG2 nuclear extracts with labeled oligonucleotides containing HRE-consensus, HRE-SDS and mutated sequences for rat and c mouse. Line-1 in each panel corresponds to free probe (FP). d Gene reporter assay for the Sds gene in HepG2 cells using the HNF4α and/or e PPARα expression vectors; after co-transfection, the cells were incubated with or without Wy-14,643. NSC nonspecific competitor, m mutated sequence, SDS Serine dehydratase, cons consensus sequence, HRE HNF4α response element