Table 1.
N | % | |
Pregnant women with unknown follow-up | 42 | |
Miscarriages/stillbirths | 3/42 | 7% |
Left country before birth | 4/42 | 10% |
Newborns to follow-up | 35/42 | 83% |
Recovered newborns | 31/35 | 89% |
Infants controlled at 9m-old by paediatricians at hospitals | 12/31 | 39% |
Infants needed for foolow-up in Primary Health Centres | 19/31 | 61% |
Infants without correct follow-up in Primary Health Centres | 14/19 | 74% |
Controlled newborns | 29/31 | 94% |
Positive T. cruzi newborns | 2/29 | 6.9% |
(Source: Informe annual 2010 - Vigilància epidemiològica del protocol de cribratge I diagnòstic de la malaltia de Chagas en dones embarassades llatinoamericanes i els seus nadons. Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya. Generalitat de Catalunya, 2010).