Mean whole-body cortisol (ng/g fish weight; ± SEM; n = 20) over time post-net stress (24 h Study). Net-stress groups (gray bars) were held suspended in a net for 3 min, allowed to recover for 3 min and suspended in a net for 3 min (9 min total net stress). Control groups (white bars) received no net stress prior to sampling. T-tests were used to compare the cortisol of control and net-stressed groups at each time post-net stress. Significant differences between control and net-stressed groups at each time are indicated by an asterisk over the net-stressed group. The control group was compared over time post-net stress using an analysis of variance (ANOVA). Significant differences between control groups are indicated by different letters (a,b,c). The net-stressed group was compared over time post-net stress using an ANOVA. Significant differences between net-stressed groups are indicated by different letters (z,y,x,w). Significance was reported at p < 0.05.