Figure 2. Measurement of nuclear internalised ß-catenin signal by ImageStream.
(A) CD34+ gated events from AML sample (#15) were assessed for ß-catenin positivity and gated appropriately (left panel). CD34-PE+ ß-catenin+ events were then assessed for nuclear internalization of ß-catenin FITC signal within the DAPI-defined nuclear area of the cell (right panel; black: patient #15, white: NBM). The full process of measuring the nuclear internalization of ß-catenin is outlined in the supplemental materials and methods section. Increasing positive values reflect an increased proportion of the cells’ ß-catenin signal residing within the DAPI+ nuclear area. (B) Pseudo-colored spectrally decomposed compensated fluorescent and bright-field (BF) images representative of nuclear internalization scores for the same AML patient (#15) (internalization score 3.73, left) and NBM (internalization score 0.76, right) as in right panel A. (C) Median internalization scores for AML (n=6) versus NBM patients (n=3) (3.24 versus 1.18; p=0.02) and in (D) for LSC (n=4) versus NBM CD34+ (n=3) (p=0.02) (see also Table 1 footnote).