Infiltration of GRIp65–84 induced cell death similar to GRIp31–96. Bacterially produced 37 nM GST, GST-GRIp31–96 or biochemically pure GRI-peptides (GRIp31–96, GRIp31–51, GRIp47–68, GRIp65–84, GRIp80–96) were infiltrated into leaves of Col-0 plants.
Infiltration of increasing concentrations of GRIp65–84 into Col-0 leaves, electrolyte leakage was measured after 12 h. Background (red line) shows ion leakage from infiltration of leaves with increasing concentrations of (inactive) GRIp80–96.
Infiltration of leaves with 37 nM GRIp31–96 induced elevated ion leakage in Col-0 and prk4, but not in prk5-1 or prk5-2. Infiltration with GST caused the same background effect for all lines.
Genomic complementation of prk5 rescues the insensitivity to induction of elevated ion leakage by GRIp31–96.
Enzymatic superoxide production from xanthine/xanthine oxidase (XXO) induced more electrolyte leakage in gri compared to Col-0 or prk5-1,prk5-2 and prk4 after infiltration into leaves. Infiltration with xanthine buffer (X) was used as a control.