Figure 2. Inner structure of the skyrmion in the (x, z) plane.
(a) In-trap SF densities of the |+1〉 (|−1〉) bosons form a vortex (antivortex) around the equator, whereas that of the |0〉 condensate in (b) creates a dark soliton at the poles. (c,d) show in-trap particle densities. SF order of one of the spin components leads to a local increase of the component's particle density at the expense of those of the other two components, leading to a specific density structure characterizing the skyrmion (bottom). This structure gets significantly more pronounced at lower temperatures. [Physical parameters of the plot: T/U0 = 0.05, U2/U0 = 0.025, zJ/U0 = 0.18, chemical potential in the middle µmid/U0 = 0.36, and at the edge µedge/U0 = −0.09.].