Comparison of the enantiomeric
fractions (EFs) of PCB 136 (A),
5-136 (B), and 4-136 (C) in tissues and feces reveals significant
differences in the atropisomeric enrichment between female mice with
a liver-specific deletion of the cpr gene (KO) and
congenic wild type (WT) mice. The EF values are presented as the mean
± standard deviation and were determined in the tissues of individual
PCB l36-treated KO (n = 7) and WT mice (n = 5). The only exceptions are the EF determination for 5-136 in
blood, which were performed with a single sample pooled by genotype.
A CB column was used to separated PCB 136 and 4-136, whereas a BDM
column was used for separation of 5-136 (see Table
S12 for additional details). * Significantly different from
WT (t test, p < 0.05); $ different from WT (t test, 0.05 ≤ p < 0.1); nd, not detected; the dotted line indicates
the EF values of the respective racemic standard.