(A) Effect of MAPK inhibitors on Naproxen-induced COL10A1 expression in normal MSCs. Normal MSCs (Lonza) were cultured in complete DMEM to near confluence. Then, the cells were serum deprived for 24 h and were treated with or without Naproxen (100 μg/mL) in the absence or presence of MAPK inhibitors (ERK inhibitor: U0126 [10 μM], JNK inhibitor: BI-78D3 [1 μM], and p38 inhibitor: SB203580 [20 μM]). Gene expression was measured by real-time RT-PCR. GAPDH was used as the housekeeping gene to normalize the results. Values represent the mean±SE of three experiments (**p<0.01; compared with untreated control [0.1% DMSO]). (B) Effect of MAPK inhibitors on Naproxen-induced COL10A1 expression in OA hMSCs. MSCs isolated from bone marrow aspirates of OA human donors undergoing total hip anthroplasty were cultured in complete DMEM to near confluence. Then, the cells were serum deprived for 24 h followed by treatment without or with Naproxen (100 μg/mL) in presence or absence of MAPK inhibitors (ERK inhibitor: U0126 [10 μM], JNK inhibitor: BI-78D3 [1 μM], and p38 inhibitor: SB203580 [20 μM]). Gene expression was measured after 24 h of treatment by real-time RT-PCR. GAPDH was used as the housekeeping gene to normalize the results. Values represent the mean±SE of six donors (***p<0.001, compared with untreated control [0.1% DMSO]; ###p<0.001, compared with Naproxen [100 μg/mL] and 0.1% DMSO treated).