A–D, representative recordings showing the IBac-Max and IGABA-Max induced in LC neurons by 1 mm baclofen or 1 mm GABA in CTM- or saline-treated male (A) or female (B) rats, and the summarized results for the IBac-Max (C) and the IGABA-Max (D). E and F, representative recordings showing the GABABR-IStand induced by 10 μm CGP54626 in LC neurons from CTM-treated and saline-treated male rats and female rats (E) and the summarized results (F). In C, D and F, the circles are the results of individual experiments, while the error bars are the mean and SEM; the number of cells tested is indicated in each column. ** indicates a difference between the CTM-treated male rats (M-CTM) and saline-treated male rats (M-Sal) group at the level of P < 0.01 using two-way repeated-observation ANOVA. ns indicates no significant differences between the CTM-treated female rats (F-CTM) and saline-treated female rats (F-Sal) or between the M-Sal and F-Sal groups using the same test.