Table 2.
08-1143 | KL126 | KL246 | KL251 | KL252 | KL315 | KL318 | KL387 | KL392 | FRC58 | 102 | BR-AD22 | |
08-1143 | 0 | 2(35) | 7,293 | 7,304 | 7,300 | 21,271 | 21,258 | 7,330 | 7,337 | 7,585 | 20,538 | 17,757 |
KL126 | 2 (35) | 0 | 7,291 | 7,290 | 7,290 | 21,263 | 21,256 | 7,323 | 7,326 | 7,579 | 20,536 | 17,758 |
KL246 | 7,293 | 7,291 | 0 | 0 (46) | 1 (32) | 17,269 | 17,256 | 5,239 | 5,254 | 9,285 | 16,773 | 16,619 |
KL251 | 7,304 | 7,290 | 0 (46) | 0 | 1 (51) | 17,281 | 17,266 | 5,259 | 5,270 | 9,294 | 16,784 | 16,635 |
KL252 | 7,300 | 7,290 | 1 (32) | 1 (51) | 0 | 17,267 | 17,254 | 5,222 | 5,245 | 9,270 | 16,763 | 16,608 |
KL315 | 21,271 | 21,263 | 17,269 | 17,281 | 17,267 | 0 | 0 (96) | 16,602 | 16,608 | 16,603 | 1,297 | 12,670 |
KL318 | 21,258 | 21,256 | 17,256 | 17,266 | 17,254 | 0 (96) | 0 | 16,591 | 16,589 | 16,585 | 1,280 | 12,659 |
KL387 | 7,330 | 7,323 | 5,239 | 5,259 | 5,222 | 16,602 | 16,591 | 0 | 2 (37) | 9,521 | 16,079 | 16,034 |
KL392 | 7,337 | 7,326 | 5,254 | 5,270 | 5,245 | 16,608 | 16,589 | 2 (37) | 0 | 9,550 | 16,087 | 16,050 |
FRC58 | 7,585 | 7,579 | 9,285 | 9,294 | 9,270 | 16,603 | 16,585 | 9,521 | 9,550 | 0 | 16,316 | 16,166 |
102 | 20,538 | 20,536 | 16,773 | 16,784 | 16,763 | 1,297 | 1,280 | 16,079 | 16,087 | 16,316 | 0 | 12,122 |
BR-AD22 | 17,757 | 17,758 | 16,619 | 16,635 | 16,608 | 12,670 | 12,659 | 16,034 | 16,050 | 16,166 | 12,122 | 0 |
SNPs of the resequenced isolates show that only very minor differences are detectable within each group of isolates. Numbers in parentheses represent the number of SNPs originally given by the SNP calling pipeline. The number in front is the number of SNPs remaining after manual curation as described in the Methods section to avoid faulty SNP calling.