Calcium content of tissues. Data are presented as means±95% confidence limits. Data were analyzed by ANOVA followed by calculation of the MSD (p<0.05) using the T method. This revealed significantly higher levels of calcium in the explanted ovine aortic wall tissue compared to all other groups except the explanted acellular porcine aortic wall tissue. FPW, fresh porcine aortic wall (n=8); FPL, fresh porcine leaflet (n=8); DPW, decellularized porcine aortic wall (n=6); DPL, decellularized porcine leaflet (n=6); EDPW, explanted porcine aortic wall (n=6); EDPL, explanted porcine leaflet (n=3); ESW, explanted sheep aortic wall (n=7); ESL, explanted sheep leaflet (n=7).