Fig. 5.
Delay-dependent decrease in performance (recognition memory) by young Wistar rats in a spontaneous NOR procedure. (A) Mean (± S.E.M.) exploration times of the familiar and novel objects (A/B retention sessions). (B) Scatter plots of discrimination (d2) ratios by individual rats. (C) Mean (± S.E.M.) discrimination (d2) ratios illustrated as histograms. d2 ratio = (novel − familiar)/(novel + familiar). Bars represent the mean (± S.E.M.), N = 8 rats per delay condition. +++P < 0.001 novel versus familiar object; ***P < 0.001, significantly different from the 1-hour time point; ###P < 0.001 significantly, different from the 3-hour time point; φφφP < 0.001, significantly different from the 6-hour time point.