The dominant Wab1 leaf phenotype shows dose-dependent proximal distal tissue transformations. A, Wild-type leaf indicating sheath (S), blade (B), auricle (A), and ligule (L). Wab1/+ leaf indicating ectopic auricle in blade and normal ligule (arrow). Wab1/Wab1 leaf indicating ectopic sheath in blade and absence of ligule at a point midway between the midrib and margin (arrowhead). Wild-type adaxial epidermis of blade (B), sheath (C), and auricle (D). E, Adaxial epidermis of Wab1 blade showing mixture of four tissue identities from left to right: sheath (S), ligule (L), auricle (A), and blade (B). F, Wild-type first leaf indicating sheath, blade, auricle, and ligule. G, Wab1 first leaf indicating cleared tissue at the margin (arrow) and displaced ligule (arrowhead). Adaxial surface of only one-half of the leaf is presented in section A.