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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Jan 14.
Published in final edited form as: Neurology. 2003 Nov 25;61(10):1405–1411. doi: 10.1212/01.wnl.0000094357.10782.f9


Clinical characteristics of patients studied

Patient no. Age, y/sex Previous febrile seizures Age at onset, y MRI/pathology Epileptic focus Samples
MTLE patients
 1 41/M No 26 R MTS RT Lateral temporal lobe, hippocampus, parahippocampus
 2 31/M Yes 17 R MTS RT Lateral temporal lobe, hippocampus, PBMC
 3 21/F No 5–6 R MTS RT Lateral temporal lobe, hippocampus, PBMC
 4 13/F Yes 4 L MTS LT Lateral temporal lobe, hippocampus, PBMC
 6 51/M No 26 L MTS LT Lateral temporal lobe, hippocampus
 7 19/F No 11 R MTS RT Lateral temporal lobe, hippocampus, PBMC
 11 32/F Yes <1 L MTS LT Lateral temporal lobe, hippocampus, PBMC
 15 40/M No 9 R MTS RT Lateral temporal lobe, hippocampus, PBMC
NE patients
 5 6/F No 5 mo Cortical dysplasia RF Lateral frontal lobe, medial frontal lobe, PBMC
 8 38/M No 37 R temporal angioma RT Lateral temporal lobe, hippocampus, PBMC
 9 14/M No 8 Normal, rare abnormal neurons RF Frontal lobe, PBMC
 10 40/M No 39 Astrocytoma RF Lateral temporal lobe, hippocampus
 12 13/M No <1 Porencephalic cyst RT Lateral temporal lobe, PBMC
 13 55/F No 53 R frontal astrocytoma RF Tumor frontal lobe, normal frontal lobe, PBMC
 14 51/M No 40 L temporal astrocytoma LT Lateral temporal lobe, PBMC

MTLE =mesial temporal lobe epilepsy; NE =neocortical epilepsy; MTS =mesial temporal sclerosis; RT =right temporal lobe; PBMC =peripheral blood mononuclear cells; LT =left temporal lobe; RF =right frontal lobe.