Total phosphate and C6 phosphate content of rabbit and mouse glycogen and amylopectin. The total inorganic phosphate (open bars) and glucose 6-P (filled bars) in hydrolysates of glycogen or amylopectin were measured as described under “Experimental Procedures.” Shown are analyses of glycogen purified from wild type (4), Epm2b−/− (5), and Epm2a−/− (4) mouse muscle, where the numbers in parentheses denote the number of animals analyzed. For rabbit muscle glycogen (5–11) and potato amylopectin (4), the number of replicate analyses is indicated. The percentage of C6 phosphorylation is shown above the filled bars. The error bars indicate the S.E. of the mean; asterisks denote p ≤ 0.01 with respect to wild type mouse glycogen phosphate.