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. 2012 Summer;5(3):124–129.

Table 5.

Logistic Regression Analysis Predicting Mammography Practice

Variable β S.E. Wald p Odds Ratio 95.0% C.I. for Odds Ratio
Lower Upper
History of cancer in family .46 .76 .36 .54 1.58 .35 7.01
Physician's recommendation 1.64 .63 10.18 .001 5.14 1.50 17.61
Perceived susceptibility -.05 .12 .20 .65 .94 .74 1.20
Perceived benefits .04 .09 .24 .62 1.04 .62 1.24
Perceived barriers -.15 .05 7.70 .006 1.15 1.15 1.27

B: Beta, S.E: Standard Error, p: p value, C.I.: Confidence Interval