Table 3.
Potato tuber harvest (kg/40 plants) for the season 2007/2008: response of cultivars to various mode of biofertilization application, in presence of a rational dose of N fertilization.
Treatments | Lady Balfour | Valor |
1/2 N + Non-inoculated | 53.59CD | 57.13BC |
1/2 N + Spraying bio-preparates | 67.33A | 63.86AB |
1/2 N + Soaking in bio-preparates | 55.60C | 59.89BC |
1/2 N + Soaking and spraying | 45.55D | 69.78A |
LSD (0.05) | 6.84 |
Means followed by the same letter are not significants different (p<0.05).