Figure 4.
Zygomatic area. The danger zone (infra-orbital foramen) is marked in yellow and the marking at the infra-orbital rim serves as a reminder of the cranial limit of this area. For the augmentation of the cheek, a two-point cannula technique is advised. As a general rule of thumb, the injections cranial to the alar-tragal line should be placed at the supraperiosteal level, whereas the injections below this line should be placed at the level of the dermal-subdermal junction. The first entry point is found between the superior and inferior demarcation of the zygomatic arch, immediately in front of the hair line. From this point, a vector line can be drawn to the oral commissure. At the intersection of the vector line and the alar-tragal line, the second entry point can be found. Left: Before with markings; middle: Before; right: After 1.5mL Radiesse in the cheeks.