Female ICOSL KO and WT mice were infected with 14±1 cercariae of S. japonicum per mouse. A total of 30 mice(five mice per group)were randomly chosen and sacrificed at 0 (before infection), 4, 7, 12, 16, or 20 weeks post-infection. Single-cell splenocyte suspensions were prepared and then cultured in the presence of SEA. The culture supernatants were collected after 72 h of incubation for the detection of IFN-γ (A), IL-2 (B),IL-12 (C), IL-4 (D), IL-17A (E),IL-21 (F), TGF-β1 (G), IL-13 (H),IL-6 (I) and IL-10 (J) by ELISA. Open symbols represent ICOS KO mice and closed symbols represent WT mice. Data shown are pooled from two independent experiments, symbols denotes individual mice and lines denote mean values. §Significant genotype effect and * significant time effect (P< 0.05, Tukey HSD, ANOVA performed using combined data from two separate experiments).