Fig. 9.
Representative micrographs of forebrain regions illustrating c-Fos immunoreactivity induced by MDP (3 mg/kg), LPS (0.83 mg/kg) and MDP + LPS in male mice. The left column panels show micrographs of forebrain regions taken from saline (VEH)-treated mice euthanized 3 h after injection. The second column panels depict micrographs of the same brain regions taken from MDP-treated mice, while the third column panels show micrographs of LPS-treated mice. The right column panels represent c-Fos immunolabeling induced by MDP + LPS 3 h after treatment. The squares in the left column represent the position and size of the ROIs. Abbreviations: BNSTd/v = bed nucleus of the stria terminalis dorsal/ventral, CeA = central amygdala, DG = dentate gyrus, PVN = paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, SFO = subfornical organ, SO = supraoptic nucleus.