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. 2015 Jan 7;17(1):e13. doi: 10.2196/jmir.3781

Table 1.

Number and percentage of respondents who participated in each gambling form in the past 12 months by most problematic gambling mode (N=620).

Form Problem Internet gamblers (n=285) Problem land-based gamblers (n=335) χ2 1 P φ

n (%)a % Onlineb n (%)a % Onlineb

Sports betting 248 (87.0) 72.6 198 (59.1) 35.8 59.4 <.001 0.31
Horse and dog race betting 223 (78.2) 70.1 210 (62.7) 28.8 17.7 <.001 0.17
EGMs 186 (65.3) 10.0 307 (91.6) 4.4 65.8 <.001 0.33
Lottery-type gamblingc 258 (90.5) NA 308 (91.9) NA 0.4 .53 0.03
Otherd 166 (58.2) NA 186 (55.5) NA 0.5 .50 0.03

aThe percentages refer to the percentage of respondents in each group who reported engaging in that form of gambling during the past 12 months. Multiple responses allowed. The statistics are based on these values.

b The percentages refer to the mean percentage of that activity reported by respondents in each group as being conducted via an Internet mode (vs a land-based mode). These cannot be calculated for the lottery-type or other forms because they are combinations of numerous forms (NA: not applicable).

c Lottery-type gambling includes instant scratch tickets, lotteries/lotto/pools tickets, bingo, and keno.

d Other forms include poker, casino table games, games of skill, and any other forms. Multiple answers possible.