Strain C227-11 induces barrier disruption. A and B, Polarized T84 cells were infected with enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) strain C227-11, mutants C227-11/pAA−, C227-11aggR, C227-11aggA, C227-11sepA, C227-11Φcu, C227-11aggR(pACYCaggR), or HS (A), or C227-11, C227-11aggA, C227-11aggA(pBADaggDCBA), or HS (B). Shiga toxin–producing E. coli O157:H7 86-24 served as a negative control and EAEC strain 042 as positive control for barrier disruption, and commensal E. coli strain HS and uninfected monolayers served as negative controls. Three hours after the addition of bacteria, the infection was terminated by aspiration of the apical compartment medium and addition of fresh medium containing gentamicin. Transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) was measured 18 hours after infection and reported as the percentage of the initial value. The data represent an average of 3 separate experiments, with each performed in triplicate. Error bars indicate 1 SD from the mean TEER. *P < .05, **P < .001, and ***P < .0001, by analysis of variance with the Tukey post hoc test, for comparison between C227-11, mutants, and complemented mutants. Abbreviation: SD, standard deviation.