Figure 5. MEG-3 localizes to a dynamic domain that surrounds and penetrates the P granules.
(A) Gonad of an adult hermaphrodite expressing the GFP::MEG-3 transgene under the control of the meg-3 promoter and 3′ UTR. GFP::MEG-3 associates strongly with P granules only in embryos. (B) Fixed wild-type zygote stained with anti:MEG-3 and anti-PGL-1 sera. Inset: magnification of merged image. Arrow points to a MEG-3-positive/PGL-1-negative granule. (C) Live wild-type and pgl-1(RNAi);pgl-3(bn104) zygotes expressing GFP::MEG-3. GFP::MEG-3 localizes to a cytoplasmic gradient and P granules. P granule localization is lost in pgl-1(RNAi);pgl-3(bn104) zygotes, but the cytoplasmic gradient remains. (D) Still images from a movie acquired using lattice light sheet microscopy (Video 5). Max intensity projection of a Z stack through a pair of fusing granules. Time in seconds (Video 5) is indicated above each panel. GFP::MEG-3 and mCherry:PGL-3 domains are not completely co-localized. Also see Figure 5—figure supplement 3B. Resolution is 238 nm × 238 nm × 500 nm. Scale bars: upper left = 500 nm. (E) Lattice light sheet 3D-SIM mode reconstruction of GFP::MEG-3 in P granules in a living zygote (also see Video 6). Scale bars: upper left = 500 nm. First granule on the left: acquisition time is 1 s (Video 6). Subsequent granules: acquisition time is 1.7 s (Video 7).