ADHD and Anxiety |
It is not recommended to start treatment with multiple separate ADHD and anxiety agents simultaneously, since primary treatment of one disorder may improve symptoms of the other. Clinicians are advised to either use atomoxetine to treat both ADHD and anxiety OR first treat ADHD with a stimulant, then add a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) if anxiety does remit with stimulant treatment.26
ADHD and Depression |
It is not recommended to start treatment with multiple separate ADHD and depression agents simultaneously, since primary treatment of one disorder may improve symptoms of the other. Rather, expert consensus advises to treat whichever disorder is most severe first, then add an agent for the second disorder if monotherapy does not improve both disorders.26
ADHD and Bipolar Disorder |
Pharmacotherapy for bipolar disorder (involving mood stabilizers or atypical antipsychotics) should be initiated and manic symptoms stabilized before beginning treatment with psychostimulants.30