Table 1.
Peak muscle forces (N·kg-1) during running at 90%, 100%, or 110% of preferred step rate. For muscles with multiple peaks, the range queried for each peak is listed based on the period of the running cycle.*
Muscle | Period | 90% | 100% | 110% |
Biceps Femoris Long Head | stance | 3.65 (1.03) | 3.83 (0.98) | 4.07 (0.97)‡ |
late swing | 4.69 (0.91)† | 5.19 (0.94) | 5.25 (0.90)‡ | |
Semimembranosus | stance | 7.95 (2.22) | 8.38 (2.04) | 8.95 (2.08)‡ |
late swing | 12.12 (2.33)† | 13.54 (2.35) | 13.98 (2.23)‡ | |
Gluteus Maximus | stance | 18.01 (3.22)† | 15.80 (2.89) | 14.57 (2.86)†‡ |
late swing | 5.41 (1.49)† | 5.92 (1.60) | 6.04 (1.62)‡ | |
Gluteus Medius | stance | 34.60 (5.23)† | 32.05 (4.03) | 28.65 (3.63)†‡ |
late swing | 5.84 (1.68)† | 6.71 (2.17) | 7.40 (2.25)†‡ | |
Gluteus Minimus | stance | 24.25 (4.22)† | 22.97 (3.65) | 20.82 (3.30)†‡ |
early swing | 8.54 (2.84)† | 9.76 (2.99) | 9.52 (2.85)‡ | |
late swing | 3.36 (1.10)† | 3.86 (1.34) | 4.25 (1.43)†‡ | |
Tensor Fasciae Latae | early swing | 1.82 (0.42)† | 1.97 (0.38) | 2.12 (0.45)†‡ |
Rectus Femoris | stance | 9.98 (2.94)† | 8.93 (2.78) | 7.88 (2.84)†‡ |
early swing | 7.28 (1.59)† | 8.00 (1.43) | 9.11 (1.79)†‡ | |
Sartorius | early swing | 0.38 (0.09)† | 0.41 (0.08) | 0.46 (0.10)†‡ |
Psoas | early swing | 12.78 (3.63) | 13.19 (2.94) | 13.36 (3.17) |
Iliacus | early swing | 17.63 (3.96)† | 19.29 (3.53) | 20.43 (4.16)†‡ |
Adductor Magnus | stance | 3.01 (0.97)† | 2.69 (0.89) | 2.61 (0.97)‡ |
Adductor Brevis | early swing | 3.36 (0.86)† | 3.62 (0.75) | 3.76 (0.76)‡ |
Adductor Longus | early swing | 1.57 (0.41) | 1.59 (0.36) | 1.63 (0.37) |
Piriformis | stance | 3.47 (1.13) | 2.97 (0.98) | 2.56 (0.82)†‡ |
early swing | 1.27 (0.42)† | 1.53 (0.39) | 1.78 (0.37)†‡ | |
late swing | 1.20 (0.61) | 1.29 (0.57) | 1.34 (0.49) |
values are mean (SD)
different from 100% condition (P < .05)
different from 90% condition (P < .05)