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. 2014 Sep-Oct;19(5):110–115. doi: 10.1590/2176-9451.19.5.110-115.oar

Table 2. Teachers distribution with regard to knowledge of dental trauma and emergency protocol.

Question Correct Incorrect
1. A 9-year-old child is hit on the face by a ball and fractures two anterior teeth. Are the affected teeth:
( ) Permanent teeth.
( ) Milk teeth.
2. Which of the following actions do you consider most adequate?
( ) You will look for the parts of broken tooth and after class, would contact his parents to explain what had happened.
( ) You will look for the parts of broken tooth and then give him a warm drink and would contact her parents.
( ) You will look for the parts of broken tooth and would contact his parents and then send him immediately to the dentist.
3. At school, a 12-year-old child falls down the stairs and hits his/her mouth on the floor. One of his/her top front teeth was knocked out of the mouth. What would be the first thing you do?
( ) You would look for the tooth and wash it with tap water.
( ) You would ask the child to bite on a tissue paper to control bleeding.
( ) You would ask the child to hold the tooth carefully in his mouth and take her immediately to the nearest dentist.
( ) You would look for the tooth and put it back into the socket.
4. If you decide to reimplant the tooth back in its place, but it had fallen on the floor, what would you do?
( ) You would scrub the tooth gently with a toothbrush.
( ) You would rinse the tooth under tap water.
( ) You would put the tooth straight back into the socket without any pretreatment.
5. If you chose to wash the tooth, which solution would you use to wash it?
( ) Tap water.
( ) Saline solution.
( ) Alcohol.
( ) Filtered water.
( ) Antiseptic solution.
6. If you do not reimplant the tooth, how would you transport it to the dentist?
 ( ) Tap water.
( ) Milk.
( ) Child’s mouth.
( ) Paper tissue.
( ) Filtered water.