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. 2011 May 24;3(1):31–42. doi: 10.5195/ijt.2011.6064

Table 7.

Definitions of quarterly progress report indicators.

Mastered Student has met or exceeded the benchmark/goal.
Not Introduced Benchmark has not been targeted during reporting period. Clinician may have base lined this target during the reporting period but target behavior has not been introduced into therapy.
Adequate Progress With varying levels of clinician scaffolding and/or access to compensatory strategies, the student is performing target behavior above baseline levels. Student is expected to achieve the goal/benchmark within the IEP timeframe.
Limited Progress With maximum clinician cueing/scaffolding and/or consistent use of compensatory strategies the student is able to inconsistently perform the target behavior above baseline levels. Improved performance may not be maintained across sessions.
No Progress Performance compared to baseline has not changed. Student may occasionally demonstrate improvement over baseline levels but student does not maintain performance across sessions OR student is not responding to clinician scaffolding/access to compensatory strategies.