Crystalline structure characterization.
(a) Optical microscope image of a typical monolayer WSe2 with domain of few layers on the center. Scale bar is 10 μm.
(b) Low magnification bright field TEM image of a typical transferred
WSe2 triangular crystal. (c) Energy dispersive X-ray spectra
showing the ratio between W and Se obtained from the integrated peak
area is approximately 1:2. (d–f) HRTEM images of the atomic
structure of the WSe2 monolayer (d), bilayer (e), and multilayers.
These images were taken on the regions indicated on panel b by the
arrows with blue, red, and dark cyan colors, respectively. Scale bars
are 5 nm (d,e) and 2 nm (f). (g–i) SAED pattern of the monolayer
(g), bilayer (h) and few-layer (i) WSe2 with the zone axis
of [0001], the 6-fold symmetry in the position of the diffraction
spots demonstrates that the triangular monolayer is predominantly
single crystal with hexagonal structures.