Haploinsufficiency of Ptch1 reduces MWM performance in Ts65Dn and Euploid mice. Trace of average latency to platform in each block of trials in (A) the VP test and (B) the HP test with Morey corrected SEM for error bars. (C) Average percent of time spent in the former platform location during the probe test while in the quadrant that contained the platform in the HP test with SEM for error bars. Trisomy reduced performance relative to euploid in the VP (p = 0.017, RM ANOVA; p = 0.02, LME), HP (over time, p = 0.055, RM ANOVA; p = 0.005, LME) and probe test (p = 1.4e-5, ANOVA). Loss of a single Ptch1 locus reduced performance relative to wildtype in the VP (p = 0.029, RM ANOVA; p = 0.02, LME), HP (over time, p = 0.037, RM ANOVA; p = 0.02, LME) and probe test (p = 0.014, ANOVA). There were no interaction effects in any tests and no significant differences in latency in the VP for the final block of trials. In the VP test: Eu;Wt n = 20, Eu;Ptch+/− n = 17, Ts;Wt n = 14, Ts;Ptch+/− n = 9. In the HP and probe test Eu;Wt n = 23, Eu;Ptch+/− n = 17, Ts;Wt n = 16, Ts;Ptch+/− n = 10.