Fig. 4.
SLC4A11-C and mutant R109H mediated H+(OH−) flux following an acute decrease in pHi. NH4+ removal experiments were done under chemically voltage-clamped conditions with 110 mM K+- and valinomycin-containing solutions in the presence or absence of Na+ and Cl−. pHi was decreased following NH4+ removal to ∼6.7, and the H+(OH−) flux was determined during the initial phase of pHi recovery. A: Na+- and Cl−-containing solutions: SLC4A11-C-expressing cells; B: Na+-free Cl−-containing solutions: SLC4A11-C-expressing cells; C: Na+-free Cl−-free solutions: SLC4A11-C-expressing cells; D: Na+- and Cl−-containing solutions: mock-transfected cells; E: Na+-free Cl−-containing solutions: mock-transfected cells; F: Na+-free Cl−-containing solutions: R109H mutant-expressing cells.